Small Reach Regatta was this weekend, it was great fun to attend. Over 50 boats of pretty much all description--as long as they were propelled by sails, oars, or both--gathered at
Lamoine State Park for four days of sailing, rowing, and camping. For those who wanted it, there were even catered lunches and dinners cooked at the Park. I tried one of the dinners, excellent pulled pork and ribs!
Thursday and Friday had plenty of wind and terrific sailing, sandwiched by Friday which was quite calm with a lot of rowing. Alas, most of my photos are from Friday since the other two days we were too busy sailing:
Arrival and set up. Not shown: 50+ other boats of all descriptions: modern boats, old boats, restored boats, sail boats, row boats, quite a parade. |
Brent hams it up out on Frenchman Bay. (Photo taken on Friday.) |
I too know how to point vaguely into the distance. (Photo taken on Saturday.) |
My "art shot" of BELLE sailing along in light winds. |
Beautiful...but time to break out the oars. That's MDI (Mount Desert Island) in the distance.
A very nice Oughtred cat-yawl with Bean Island behind her. |
For more on this get-together of small(er) boats, there's the web site mentioned above and a
Facebook page. I'm hoping there will be many photos of the other boats, many of which were real beauties.
For the event I borrowed a pair of 8' oars which were definitely too short. Over the winter I'll make a pair of 9'-9'6" oars for next year. I'll be able to store them in BELLE by hanging them by leather straps under the slatted seats, projecting a couple of feet under the foredeck. At least that's the plan.
Up until now, I've been using a couple of 5' paddles for getting BELLE over to a dock from the launch ramp and stuff like that. For the SRR, I knew there might be some more serious rowing, so I added oar locks to the coamings and rigged up a slip thwart (a removeable temporary thwart) to make rowing more comfortable. |
Here's the removable slip thwart which stores under the foredeck when not in use. It rests on the centerboard case and seats and has a couple of cleats underneath so it doesn't slip side-to-side. It's made of cedar and unfinished, like the floorboards, so it'll turn a nice grey color after a month or two in the sun. |
Until next time!
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